How long have you been with Charterhouse?
“This is my second stint with Charterhouse. I joined at the end of February 2018. Prior to that, I was here for nearly two years, from 2014-2016.”
What is your current role?
“I’m manager of the Specialist team, covering surgery, anaesthetics, orthopaedics, ICU, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology. We’re currently a team of five but looking to expand.”
What is the best thing about working here?
“As a manager, it’s the autonomy you have to lead the team. There’s no micro manager above you setting ridiculous KPIs. You have freedom to do things your way with the backing of senior management. If you have an idea, people listen – it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.”
If you reflect on your time with Charterhouse, what have you had the opportunity to learn?
“I’ve been in medical recruitment for 15 years, but coming from the UK, I’ve learnt a lot about the Australian market, which is very different. I’ve learnt heaps about the health care system here over last few years.”
What’s your team like?
“Wonderful! I couldn’t ask for a better team. My team have an excellent work ethic; they are punctual and a delight to work with. A manager’s dream!”
What support do you receive to enable you to be better at your role?
“In the office there are many experienced directors, managers and senior consultants. It’s great to have conversations with them about different teams, to bounce ideas off them, not just within the Medical division but across the business.”
How would you describe the culture here?
“Fantastic! It’s one of the best places I’ve ever worked in culture wise. There are drinks on the balcony on Friday. Sometimes, we don’t get to see people in other departments during the day, so it’s a chance to see everyone. It’s very social and there are great views of Sydney. Charterhouse is a very friendly place. No-one is left stranded.”
What is it about recruitment that you love?
“Making a difference. We place doctors. When you do that last-minute booking on Friday night for Monday morning, you know that the hospital won’t have to cancel its clinics or surgeries. You know that you are making a difference to people’s lives.”
What gets you up each and every morning and on the way to work?
My alarm clock! Also, the great environment at work. We have a chat over a cup of coffee when we arrive in the morning before we get down to work. It’s a fun way to start the day.”
If you could sum up the Sydney office in a sentence . . . ?
“It’s the reason why I moved to Australia. Right now, I’m looking at the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge – we have a postcard view. And I love the salesy buzz in the office – the people on the phone, walking around talking to clients and candidates.”
What would be the one piece of advice you would give someone starting at Charterhouse?
“Listen to your peers, who have been doing the job a while, listen to your managers, who are experienced in the market, and you will prosper. Absorb everything people tell you, learn from their individual styles and find your own.”
If you’ve worked with other recruitment firms, what does Charterhouse do better than anyone else?
“Social events and incentives – to bring people together. There are holidays overseas every year, which are achievable even for new consultants. Friday drinks are really good, and Melbourne Cup day is the best day of the year. And we have gold coin awards if you go above your target. I’ve worked for companies before where we never had that social element.”