At Charterhouse Medical, we believe we are different from most other recruitment agencies. Here’s why:

People Are the Best
Chatbots, automated resume screening, sentiment analysis software . . . the recruitment industry is moving increasingly towards AI-based systems. At Charterhouse, we have made a conscious decision to buck the trend. We truly believe that people are the best, and that with them we can do our best work.
Our consultants use their experience and skills to build and nurture strong – human – relationships with candidates and clients, and to identify the right person for your next role. We actively seek out organisations with a compelling story to tell, where we can add real value and create great opportunities for our candidate pool.
At Charterhouse, you will never be an algorithm.

We Strive for Equality
To us equality isn’t a policy, a document or a training course; it is an integral part of our mindset and working methodology. We place a strong emphasis on individual capabilities, behaviours, values and motivation, and constantly strive to avoid bias, prejudice and discrimination.
We have formalised a relationship with Diversity Council Australia and are proudly compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. Currently, our management team is 42% female, and we will continue to work to reduce the gender gap. We are also seeking ways to promote cultural awareness and to encourage indigenous employment. We believe in the importance of voice for First Nations peoples, and have committed our corporate support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Our team also works alongside WithYouWithMe to place veterans in temporary, contract and permanent roles in the civilian sector.
Our consultants receive training in conscious and unconscious bias to gain the knowledge and tools to reduce their impact across all activities. We actively promote our commitment to a diverse workforce to both clients and candidates. We know our clients are also passionate advocates for equality, focussed on the right person for a role above all else. We also know that candidates come to us because they will be valued as individuals with unique talents, skills and potential.
We truly believe that by striving towards equality, and always keeping it at the forefront, we are moving towards a better, more rewarding workplace for all.

Recruitment as a Profession
We love our profession and value the multitude of skills our people possess, but we also recognise the importance of continuous learning. In recruitment, consultants need to be great lawyers, accountants, writers, advisors and counsellors for clients and candidates alike. So, we seek to train them in the wider skills they need – both as recruiters and as business people.
Our associates and consultants attend a specially-designed 5-day training program, which covers every aspect of the recruitment cycle. Additionally, we offer regular on-desk training, as well as ad hoc internal and external training sessions to meet individual needs. All new managers participate in an intensive 3-day AGSM management program at UNSW Business School, which provides them with state-recognised accreditation. Existing and upcoming managers also meet every week with our CEO Jason to exchange ideas and best practices.
At Charterhouse, we offer a clearly defined career path to our people, with options to move laterally from one discipline to another, seek promotion to manager and director levels, or specialise as a business development manager. Our training and promotion processes are formalised through quarterly reviews with line managers and 360 feedback.
At Charterhouse, business is about more than meeting sales targets. We believe we have a responsibility to ensure that the recruitment profession adapts, evolves and endures to meet the needs of our people and the industry as a whole.
With our emphasis on great people, equality and the recruitment profession, you know you are choosing well everytime you choose Charterhouse.